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مؤامرة أمل غير منضم

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مؤامرة أمل غير منضم
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إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

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يمكنك أن تجد هذه القصة المصورة في المواد والموارد التالية:
فتاة باكستانية تحمل كتاب برتقالي ورمان. ترتدي حجابًا أرجوانيًا وملابسًا أرجوانية وزهرية. خلفها حديقة.

أمل غير منضم لعائشة سعيد

بقلم ليان هيكس

Amal Unbound هي رواية حائزة على جوائز وتحكي قصة فتاة صغيرة نشأت في باكستان وأجبرت على العمل بالسخرة. هذا الكتاب هو مصدر قيم للطلاب والمعلمين لفحص الظلم الاجتماعي في باكستان وحول العالم.


أمل غير منضم

القصة المصورة الوصف

يمكن للطلاب تلخيص وتوضيح حبكة القصة في لوحة القصة المكونة من 6 خلايا والتي تسلط الضوء على العرض والصراع ، والعمل المتصاعد ، والذروة / نقطة التحول ، والحركة المتساقطة ، والقرار.

نص القصة المصورة

  • AMAL UNBOUND by Aisha Saeed
  • TheCompleteWorksofHAFIZ
  • "You hit me with your car and you want to take my things?"
  • "What was he doing? Did he thing I was a beggar? That everything was for sale? My mother's voice told me to let this go. Suddenly I felt tired...of feeling powerless."
  • Amal Unbound by Aisha Saeed is a story set in modern day about a young girl named Amal who lives with her family in a small village named Nabay Chak in Pakistan. Amal loves school and learning and dreams of becoming a teacher, but is forced to leave it all behind after a terrible twist of fate.
  • Literacy Center
  • Amal's has three younger sisters when her mother gives birth to another baby girl. Amal has big dreams for her future and loves school. However, after the baby arrives she is forced to stay home to help care for her younger sisters. One day while at the market, Amal is unwittingly caught in an altercation with the landlord of the village. She is forced into indentured servitude as punishment.
  • Amal goes to live at Jawad Sahib's estate as a servant for his mother Nasreem Baji, who is relatively kind to her. Another servant Nabila takes her frustration at being replaced out on Amal but eventually they come to an understanding. Amal generously teaches a young servant Fatima how to read. Life is difficult and Amal misses her family. Jawad Sahib is cruel and ruthless. Amal discovers that he decimated a village that attempted to stand up to him and had a man who disrespect him killed.
  • Khan Sahib, Jawad Sahib's father, has a literacy center built in Amal's village. It is a publicity stunt for him to get more votes for re-election and the residents won't attend. Jawad Sahib sends Amal there once a week to help with the ruse. One day, while there, Amal confides in her teacher that Jawad Sahib had a man murdered and she knows where he hid the body. The teacher agrees to pass the information onto his family who are lawyers.
  • Jawad Sahib and his father are arrested for the killing. Nasreen Baji closes up the estate and lets most of the servants go. Some are upset because they need the work. Others, like Amal are overjoyed to regain their freedom. Nasreen Baji admits "I thought about keeping you ... But you belong with your family. Your debt is forgiven." Amal can't believe she is finally allowed to return home.
  • Amal is able to return home to be reunited with her family: her mother, father, and sisters, along with Parvin and her best friend Omar. She still fears what might happen in the future if Jawad Sahib is released. But she thinks, "Today I was free, and even if I didn't know what the future held, I knew I was going home. And right now, in this moment, this was enough."
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