تعد القراءة بصوت عالٍ طريقة ممتازة لبدء درس أو لبدء محادثات مع الطلاب حول مواضيع قد يكون من الصعب التحدث عنها كمجموعة. تُظهر القراءة بصوت عالٍ للطلاب أن هذه المشكلات والمشاعر شائعة جدًا لدرجة أن شخصًا ما كتب كتابًا عنها. لا داعي للخوف من مشاركة ما يشعرون به!
Students can illustrate an act of kindness after reading Be Kind by Pat Zietlow Miller to help with social emotional learning.
نص القصة المصورة
Corner Market
Oh dear, it's raining!
Corner Market
Oh, Tommy thank you so much. You are so kind.
My pleasure!
I will return the carriage.
Thank you, dear.
Mrs. Johnson exits the store with a carriage full of groceries and no umbrella. Tommy notices and feels bad for her. He wonders if he should help her.
Tommy decides to help Mrs. Johnson by offering her his umbrella, and pushing her carriage to the car. She is very thankful.
Mrs. Johnson is very grateful and Tommy feels good that he has helped someone. This act of kindness made both people happy.