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Как Един Законопроект Става Закон
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Можете да намерите този сценарий в следните статии и ресурси:
Оформление на Кръгова Диаграма | Циклови Диаграми в Образованието

Оформление на Цикличната Диаграма

Оформлението на цикъла е опция, която дава на потребителите възможността да показват последователности или процеси, които често се повтарят, но не е задължително. В зависимост от това колко стъпки има към цикъла, който показвате, можете да добавите толкова клетки, колкото са ви необходими.


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Описание на Статията

Използвайте диаграма на цикъла, за да покажете как една сметка се превръща в закон! Този процес е цикличен и се повтаря всеки път, когато трябва да се създаде нов закон от законопроект.

Текст на Статията

  • 8. President Contemplates Options
  • 9. President Makes a Decision
  • 1. Idea For Law Is Created
  • Law to prevent teen traffic accidents
  • 2. Idea is Brought to Representative
  • 3. Bill is Introduced to Committee
  • House Committee on Transportation
  • The President will read the bill. He then has a few options of how to address the bill.
  • The President may agree with the bill, sign it, and the bill will become a law. If the President doesn’t sign the bill within 10 days and Congress is NOT IN SESSION, the bill will not become a law. This is known as a “pocket veto”. If the President doesn’t sign the bill within 10 days and Congress is IN SESSION, the bill will become a law. If the President doesn’t agree, he can veto the bill, and it will be sent back to Congress.
  • Someone comes up with an idea for a bill. This person can be anyone, from a child to the president!
  • The idea for the bill is brought to a member of Congress and a bill is written. If a senator writes the bill, the bill will then be sent to a committee in the Senate, and vice versa if the bill was written by a member of the House of Representatives.
  • The bill is introduced to a committee in the House of Representatives where members of the committee debate and amend the bill.
  • 7. Bill is Sent to the President
  • Teen Driving Bill
  • 6. Bill is Voted Upon in the Other House
  • How a Bill Becomes a Law
  • 5. Bill is sent to other House
  • Teen Driving Bill
  • 4. Bill is Voted Upon in House of Origin
  • Teen Driving Bill
  • If the bill passes in the Senate, it is then sent to the President.
  • The bill is presented to the Senate, where it is debated and then voted upon.
  • House Passes The Bill!
  • The Senate Passes The Bill!
  • If the bill is passed in the House of Representatives, it is then introduced in the Senate.
  • House Passes The Bill!
  • If the committee accepts the bill, it is then voted upon in the House of Representatives.
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