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Catharsis Tragic Hero

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Catharsis Tragic Hero
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Можете да намерите този сценарий в следните статии и ресурси:
Резюме на Хамлет и Планове за Уроци

Трагичният Герой

Урочни Планове от Ребека Рей

Трагичните герои могат да се видят в телевизията, филмите и литературата. Изключително важно е да се дефинира този архетип и да се разбере как те влияят върху сюжета. Използвайки разкази, учениците създават интерактивен начин за усвояване на концепцията и изграждане на рамка за откриване на трагичните герои в цялата литература.


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Описание на Статията

Catharsis Tragic Hero examples Storyboard - 3 panel explanation of catharsis | Teaching the Tragic Hero Archetype

Текст на Статията

  • Behold, mortal: punishment for your pride!
  • How sad, he wasn't a bad person. What a terrible fate!
  • If that could happen to a person like him, it could happen to me, too!
  • That was a great play, the end was very moving!
  • That's the sign of a good tragedy!
  • Yeah, it was intense, but I'm glad I saw it. Really makes you think.
  • At the end of a classic tragedy, the hero has struggled in vain against supernatural powers, like fate or the gods. A mistake or flaw causes the hero to fail and suffer a terrible fate.
  • The audience is left with a feeling of pity for the tragic hero, and fear that the same fate could befall them personally.
  • Aristotle believed feeling this pity and fear helped to “emotionally cleanse” the audience, by letting them experience these intense emotions in a safe manner.
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