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Pohlednice Tennessee

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Pohlednice Tennessee
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Průvodce a Aktivity Státu Tennessee

Průvodce Státem Tennessee

Plány Lekcí od Lauren Ayube

Tennessee, které se nachází v jihovýchodní oblasti Spojených států, je známé mnoha věcmi, jako je country a rokenrolová hudba, dobrovolnictví a zajímavé geografické rysy. Studenti se budou rádi učit o státních památkách, mottech, zábavných faktech, historii a ještě mnohem více!


Průvodce Státem Tennessee

Storyboard Popis

Vytvořte pohlednici z památky v Tennessee!

Storyboard Text

  • Welcome to Tennessee
  • Hi Kim!I can't believe summer vacation is almost over, and I hope you're having a blast at your grandparents' house in Maine! My family and I are still in Tennessee, and we just spent the last few days at the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. It was amazing and there was so much to do. Did you know that more than 8 million people visit each year? The park was established in 1934, and covers over 500,000 acres of land. Our tour guide told us that there are about 100 different types of trees and more than 17,000 plant and animal species in the park. There were even more in the past! While we drove along Cades Cove, we saw some black bears and coyotes. It was so cool. We did tons of hiking and saw some gorgeous waterfalls. If you ever go to Tennessee, it is a must visit for sure! Well, I will see you in a few weeks and I can't wait to hear all about your summer!Your BFF,Melissa
  • Kim Bracken
  • 159 Central St.
  • Concord, NH 03301
  •  Forever
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