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Pravidla k Filmu Plakát

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Pravidla k Filmu Plakát
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Pravidla od Cynthia Lord Activities

Pravidla od Cynthie Lord

Autor: Lauren Ayube

Catherinin osmiletý bratr David má autismus; má rád pravidla a Catherine mu pomáhá tím, že vytváří pravidla a připomíná Davidovi, kdy je má dodržovat. Jednoho dne, v čekárně Davidovy OT kliniky, Catherine potká chlapce jménem Jason. Netuší, že setkání s Jasonem ovlivní její život víc, než by kdy čekala.



Storyboard Popis

Studenti mohou vytvořit filmový plakát k filmu Pravidla od Cynthie Lord, aby zdůraznil důležité postavy, témata a další!

Storyboard Text

  • Award buzzing performances. The kids are simply amazing.- Acting Weekly
  • Twelve year old Catherine has high hopes for a new friendship with the girl who has moved in next door. Catherine’s eight year old brother, David, has autism; he likes rules and she helps him by making rules and reminding David when to follow them. She often finds herself taking care of David, embarrassed by his behavior, and sometimes even resenting the attention that he always gets from their parents. Little does Catherine know that she is about to meet someone who will impact her life more than she could’ve ever expected.
  • Based on the Newbery Honor Winning Book by Cynthia Lord
  • Rules
  • RulesKnock!Late doesn't mean not coming.No toys in the fish tank.Say please and thank you.Chew with your mouth closed.If someone says "hi", you say "hi" back.Sometimes you've gotta work with what you got.
  • A must see! Stellar directing and incredible acting!- The Celebrity Post
  • Four stars!- Movie Magazine
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