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  • Moje Příběhy

Transition to Specials

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Transition to Specials
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Učebna Společenských Příběhů

Sociální Příběhy ve Třídě

Od Meghan Kyne

Společenské příběhy byly původně navrženy tak, aby podporovaly děti s ASD individuálně. Praktici si však uvědomili, že výhody těchto příběhů mohou být použity u dětí, které mají sociální zápasy z různých důvodů, a to jak individuálně, tak v rámci celé skupinové výuky.


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Storyboard Popis

Direct instruction Social Stories - Transition to Specials

Storyboard Text

  • Okay class, it is time for Art. Please clean off your desk!
  • Please push in your chair and stand in front of your desk.
  • Please line up quietly.
  • When it is time to go to a special, Mr. Yetz will let us know by making an announcement to the class. Mr. Yetz will ask us to clean off our desks. I will put my materials away.
  • Once everyone has cleaned their desk, Mr. Yetz will say "Please push in your chair and stand in front of your desk." I will stand quietly by my desk.
  • A
  • R
  • T
  • Then, Mr. Yetz will ask us to line up quietly at the door. I will have a calm body and a quiet voice.
  • A
  • R
  • T
  • Mr. Yetz will tell the line leader when to begin walking. When we are in the hallway, I will have a safe body and a quiet voice. Loud voices and unsafe bodies disrupt other students' learning.
  • When we get to the special, we will line up outside the door and wait patiently until the teacher is ready for us. I will have a calm body and a quiet voice.
  • When the teacher is ready for us, I will walk to my seat and wait for instructions.
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