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Henry V Shakespeare's History

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Henry V Shakespeare's History
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Shakespearovské Komedie

Typy Shakespearových her

Rebecca Ray a Kristy Littlehale

Bez ohledu na to, co byly pojmenovány, budou hry Williama Shakespeara stále skvělé umělecké dílo, takže nemusí vědět, co jim říkáme. Obecně však Shakespeare napsal tři typy her: Tragédie, Komedie a Historie. Tato jména nám pomáhají pochopit archetypy hry a lépe analyzovat její události. Koneckonců, Komedie Romeo a Julie by byla velmi odlišná hra od tragédie Romeo a Julie. Možná by to byla fraška dvou milovníků hvězdy, kteří byli odsouzeni trpět humornými chybami identity a pokornými sluhy. Nebyl by to příběh bídy, se kterým jsme všichni tak obeznámeni.


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Henry V Shakespeare's History | Teaching Shakespearean histories

Storyboard Text

  • Henry V
  • History
  • English History
  • Propaganda
  • Embellished Plot
  • The Battle of Agincourt (1415), a major turning point in the Hundred Years War, took place in Henry V's reign. This was an important event in British history because England and France were in a power struggle over the French crown. ​
  • When Shakespeare wrote the play, around 1599, England was engaged in a drawn out war with Spain. Queen Elizabeth I had no heir to succeed her. Shakespeare was possibly using this play to compare the past events of Henry V to contemporary England. ​
  • Although Shakespeare's histories were built on facts, not all parts were factual. Some characters were created simply for comedic relief, namely: Mistress Quickly, Pistol, and Bardolph, commoners with some connection to the King​.
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