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Object and Character Motion

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Object and Character Motion
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Kamera Shots, Kamera Forslag og Objekt Motion

Af Sarah Laroche

Når du opretter et storyboard til film, er det afgørende, at billederne afspejler scriptet. Bevægelse er centralt for disse billeder: bevægelserne af tegnene og genstande inden for scenen, samt bevægelsen af ​​kameraet, der observerer det. I stedet for at bogse ned beskrivelsesboksen med kedelige detaljer om hver handling, lad billedet kommunikere bevægelsen af ​​en scene. Pile er en simpel og genkendelig måde at vise bevægelse eller progression på.


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Storyboard Beskrivelse

Action Cues for objects and characters in storyboards for films, videos and movies

Storyboard Tekst

  • Here you can see that the arrows are showing the boat's path: instead of straight, it curves back and forth.
  • In this example, one arrow depicts the dog's trajectory, and another arrow the motion of one of the bike's wheels.
  • Arrows here are showing both the path of where the character is walking, as well as the changes in the character's body position.
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