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S.T.A.N.D. Against Bullying

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S.T.A.N.D. Against Bullying
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Puedes encontrar este storyboard en los siguientes artículos y recursos:
Educación y Prevención del Acoso Escolar

Prevención y Educación Sobre el Bullying

Planes de Lecciones de Bridget Baudinet

Con el auge de las redes sociales en las últimas décadas, los educadores han visto un aumento tanto del acoso cibernético como del acoso tradicional entre los jóvenes en edad escolar. El primer paso para marcar la diferencia es la educación. La facultad, el personal, los padres y los estudiantes deben recibir educación para identificar, responder y prevenir el acoso.


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Storyboard Descripción

S.T.A.N.D. Against Bullying - Take a stand against bullying with anti-bullying activities.

Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • S
  • Hey weenie. What dark cave did you just crawl up from?
  • T
  • She tried to trip me three times when I walked past.
  • A
  • N
  • Give us your lunch if you know what's good for you...
  • No way!
  • D
  • This is fun! Maybe we could sit together on the bus ride home.
  • Stand tall and walk in a way that shows you are a person deserving respect. Your body language can help prevent you from being a target.
  • Tell an appropriate adult. Telling to prevent a dangerous situation is not tattling.
  • Avoid being in harm's way. Getting away from a dangerous situation is not being a coward. It's being smart.
  • Say NO to the bully's demands from the start. If you appease a bully about small things, he'll just demand more. (Exception: If you are in physical danger, you may need to go along until you can report it to the police. It's not worth being injured over lunch money.)
  • Develop friendships - people who will stand up for each other - a caring community. Support others and ask for support. If someone is being bullied, speak up. If someone is excluded, include them in your play.
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