A Night Divided se centra en la difícil situación de Gerta, de doce años, que se ve separada de la mitad de su familia en 1965 debido al Muro de Berlín. Es una novela emocionante y de ritmo rápido que mantendrá a los estudiantes al borde de su asiento mientras obtienen una comprensión más profunda de la Guerra Fría y una mayor empatía por aquellos que la vivieron en todos los lados.
Los estudiantes pueden trazar los personajes de un libro y escribir sobre los rasgos físicos / de personalidad de cada personaje, sus interacciones con los demás y los desafíos que enfrentan.
Texto del Guión Gráfico
Physical / Personality Traits: How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
Physical / Personality Traits: How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
Physical / Personality Traits: How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
Physical / Personality Traits: How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
Physical / Personality Traits: How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
Physical / Personality Traits: How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
Physical / Personality Traits: How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
Physical / Personality Traits: How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?