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Bullying - How to Tell if YOU Are the Bully

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Bullying - How to Tell if YOU Are the Bully
Storyboard That

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Conciencia Sobre el Acoso Escolar

Acoso Escolar

By Rebecca Ray

Aquí en Storyboard That, hemos descubierto que al usar guiones gráficos para crear escenarios de juego de roles, los estudiantes pueden ver mejor los efectos y las características del acoso. A través de lecciones interactivas, puede ayudar a cambiar la mentalidad de los estudiantes de "el acoso es un problema" a "el acoso es un problema y puedo hacer algo al respecto".


¡Vea algunos de nuestros otros artículos educativos!

Storyboard Descripción

Bullying - How to Tell if YOU Are the Bully | Help students identify and stop bullying.

Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • Please, don't hit me again!
  • Give it to me now, wimp!
  • You're worthless. You never do anything right around here!
  • Yeah, yeah.. RELAX.
  • Does it make you feel better when you hurt others or take things from them?
  • Do you use your size and strength to get your way or take advantage of others?
  • Have you been bullied by someone in the past and take revenge on others because of it?
  • Do you avoid thinking about people's feelings, especially when you do or say hurtful things to them?
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