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Covidi Vaktsiini Sotsiaalne Lugu

Vaadake Tunniplaani
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Covidi Vaktsiini Sotsiaalne Lugu
Storyboard That

Looge oma süžeeskeemid

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Looge oma süžeeskeemid

Proovige seda tasuta!
Leiate selle storyboard järgmistes esemed ja vahendid:
Sissejuhatus Sotsiaalsetesse Lugudesse

Sissejuhatus Sotsiaalne Stories

Sherry Pardy, Natasha Lupiani ja Anna Warfield

Sotsiaalsete lugude kontseptsiooni lõi Carol Gray 1991. aastal, et seda kasutada autismiga laste ja täiskasvanute puhul, et aidata neid paremini erinevates sotsiaalsetes olukordades. Tänapäeval on sotsiaalsete lugude kasutamine laienenud igat tüüpi õpilastele , sealhulgas neile, kellel on märkimisväärne suhtluspuudujääk. Lisateave selle kohta, kuidas saate oma õpilastega sotsiaalseid lugusid kasutada!


Vaadake mõnda muud meie harivat artiklit!

Süžeeskeem Kirjeldus

Kasutage sotsiaalseid lugusid, et aidata õpilasi Covidi vaktsiini ettevalmistamisel! Võib muuta ka mis tahes muud tüüpi vaktsiinide puhul.

Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card
  • Thompson, JasonDOB: 7/10/11
  • 1st Dose: 12/4/21 Pfizer2nd Dose:
  • Your appointment is at 4:00 after school today.
  • Ok, mom.
  • CDC
  • Great, right this way, please.
  • Hello. Jason Thompson has a 4:00 COVID vaccine appointment.
  • My birthday is July 10, 2011.
  • My left arm, please.
  • Which arm do you prefer? I suggest your non-dominant arm.
  • My parent or guardian will make an appointment for me at a pharmacy, urgent care clinic, or other site near me.
  • I feel nervous, mom.
  • Now I am going to clean the area.
  • When we arrive, my parent or guardian will check me in. I may have to wait a few minutes for my turn.
  • Close your eyes if you want, honey.
  • Okay, here we go. A little pinch.
  • When it is my turn, I will sit in a chair. The person giving me the vaccine will double check my name and birthday.
  • The person giving me the shot will ask me if I prefer the shot in my right or left arm. I will answer.
  • How are you feeling?
  • A little tired and sore, but otherwise fine!
  • The person giving me the shot will wipe the area of my skin clean.
  • It's okay to be nervous, honey. I am right here.
  • I will feel a pinch in my arm when the needle goes in.
  • They will cover it with a cotton ball and tape or a band-aid. I will have to wait for a few minutes before they give me my vaccination card.
  • My arm may be sore for the day and I may feel under the weather for a day or two. This is very normal.
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