Pärast ema surma kolib 12-aastane Rob ja tema isa Floridasse Listerisse, kus Robi isa töötab nende elukoha motellis hooldusmehena. Üksildane, kurb ja kahe kiusaja sihtmärk pakib Rob oma tunded metafoorsesse kohvrisse ja lukustab need. Robi elu hakkab muutuma, kui ta leiab motelli tagant metsast puuris suure tiigri ja kohtub uue tüdruku Sistine Baileyga. Kui Robi emotsionaalne kest hakkab lõhenema, õpib ta sõpruse ja tunnetega toimetuleku väärtust koos väljakutsega teha raske otsus.
Paluge õpilastel tuvastada ja illustreerida kujundkeele näiteid Kate DiCamillo raamatus "Tiigri tõus".
Süžeeskeem Tekst
Ahem, ahem!
Page 4: "He made all of his feelings go inside of the suitcase."This means that he packed his feelings away in order to forget about them.
Page 39: "The bus coughed and sputtered and finally drove away."This means that the bus was making a lot of noises as it drove away.
Page 56: "Every night the house lit up like a constellation, and they were all inside of it together, all three of them."Rob remembers how bright and happy his house was at Christmas before his mother died.