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Envelope Assignment Presentation Template

Vaadake Tunniplaani
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Envelope Assignment Presentation Template
Storyboard That

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Looge oma süžeeskeemid

Proovige seda tasuta!
Leiate selle storyboard järgmistes esemed ja vahendid:
Ümbriku Määramine

Sulgege Reading Ümbrik Ülesanne

Kristy Littlehale Tunniplaanid

Ümbrikuülesanne on suurepärane tiheda lugemise strateegia, mis aitab õpilastel kogu lugemise jooksul keskenduda ühele või mitmele teemale. Koos Storyboard That muudab see teabe jagamise huvitavamaks ja lõbusamaks, kuigi nad teevad veel palju tööd!


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Süžeeskeem Kirjeldus

Envelope Assignment | Close Reading Assignment Activities

Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • Example #1: pg. #
  • Example #2: pg. #
  • Example #3: pg. #
  • Enter discussion of how this event or scene connects with your assigned envelope topic.
  • Example #4: pg. #
  • Enter discussion of how this event or scene connects with your assigned envelope topic.
  • Example #5: pg. #
  • Enter discussion of how this event or scene connects with your assigned envelope topic.
  • Example #6: pg. #
  • Enter discussion of how this event or scene connects with your assigned envelope topic.
  • Enter discussion of how this event or scene connects with your assigned envelope topic.
  • Enter discussion of how this event or scene connects with your assigned envelope topic.
  • Example #7: pg. #
  • Example #8: pg. #
  • Example #9: pg. #
  • Enter discussion of how this event or scene connects with your assigned envelope topic.
  • Enter discussion of how this event or scene connects with your assigned envelope topic.
  • Enter discussion of how this event or scene connects with your assigned envelope topic.
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