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Aiheyhteenveto ja Ennustus Bell Ringer - Väri

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Aiheyhteenveto ja Ennustus Bell Ringer - Väri
Storyboard That

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Kuvakäsikirjoitus Kuvaus

Tee Nyt: Frayer -malli Bell Ringer

Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • www.storyboardthat.com
  • Summarize what we learned yesterday in class.
  • Summarize what you learned yesterday from the homework / reading.
  • Summarize what we learned yesterday in class.
  • Directions: Write explanations for each of the four box subtopics. [Or Other Text Here]
  • Directions: Write explanations for each of the four box subtopics. [Or Other Text Here]
  • [Topic / Novel]
  • At the Bell Do Now
  • At the Bell Do Now
  • Date:
  • Date:
  • How has what you've learned change your perspective on the topic?
  • How can you use what you have learned to foreshadow or predict information on the topic?
  • How has what you've learned change your perspective on the topic?
  • Summarize what you learned yesterday from the homework / reading.
  • [Topic / Novel]
  • How can you use what you have learned to foreshadow or predict information on the topic?
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