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Syy ja Seuraus

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Syy ja Seuraus
Storyboard That

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Outline Template -laskentataulukot | Outline-työarkit


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Työarkkigalleria | Storyboard That -laskentataulukkomallit


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Kuvakäsikirjoitus Kuvaus

Syy ja seuraus Esseiden kirjoittaminen

Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • Name Date
  • Directions:
  • III.) Cause or Effect #2
  • II.) Cause or Effect #1
  • I.) Introduction
  • IV.) Cause or Effect #3
  • TITLE:
  • A.) Evidence of Cause or Effect
  • B.) Evidence of Cause or Effect
  • A.) Evidence of Cause or Effect
  • B.) Thesis Statement
  • B.) Evidence of Cause or Effect
  • A.) Attention Getter
  • A.) Evidence of Cause or Effect
  • 1.) Analysis of Evidence 2.) Analysis of Evidence
  • 1.) Analysis of Evidence 2.) Analysis of Evidence
  • 1.) Analysis of Evidence 2.) Analysis of Evidence
  • 1.) Analysis of Evidence 2.) Analysis of Evidence
  • 1.) Write out thesis statement with key points
  • 1.) General background information presented in short phrases 2.) Specific background information presented in short phrases leading to thesis statement
  • I.) 
  • II.) 
  • III.) 
  • A.) 
  • B.) 
  • A.) 
  • B.) 
  • A.) 
  • B.) 
  • 1.) 
  • 2.) 
  • 1.) 
  • 1.) 
  • 2.) 
  • 1.) 
  • 2.) 
  • 1.) 
  • 2.) 
  • V.) 
  • IV.) 
  • B.) 
  • A.) 
  • B.) 
  • A.) 
  • 1.) 
  • 2.) 
  • 1.) 
  • 2.) 
  • Remember, the outline should give a quick glimpse at what your paper is about. Give only the brief key details! Let your reader find your in-depth analysis of each point in your paper!
  • V.) Conclusion
  • B.) Evidence of Cause or Effect
  • A.) Summary of key points and restatement of thesis B.) Final Statement / Clincher
  • 1.) Analysis of Evidence 2.) Analysis of Evidence
  • 1.) Analysis of Evidence 2.) Analysis of Evidence
  • 1.) 
  • 2.) 
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