Pregled Aktivnosti
Students will love creating their own board game that they can play with their friends!
This Game Board project can be used in all subjects, such as to reinforce math facts, review questions in Social Studies or Science, or just for fun! Teachers could also have their students copy their finished board game to create an Answer Key.
Teachers can use this as a final assessment or culminating project to finish a unit. Then, students will enjoy celebrating their achievement by playing their games together at the end! Teachers can print out and laminate the games and set them up in different stations around the room so that students can travel around and try out each one. This could also be a great addition to a parent's night, science or math fair, or other school community showcase.
Remember teachers, for each assignment in Storyboard That you can add as many templates as you wish! This can help to differentiate assignments but also increases engagement by providing student choice. For more templates to add to this assignment, check out our game poster templates!
Upute o Predlošku i Klasi
(Ove su upute potpuno prilagodljive. Nakon što kliknete "Kopiraj aktivnost", ažurirajte upute na kartici Uredi zadatka.)
Due Date:
Objective: Create a board game that demonstrates your understanding of our unit.
Student Instructions:
- Click "Start Assignment"
- Using the template provided add directions as well as questions, numbers or symbols to the spaces.
- You may change the design, colors, or add other images to enhance your game board.
- If needed, in a separate cell or separate storyboard, make cards of questions or prompts.
- Make game tokens or use what you have in the classroom.
- Save and exit when you're finished.
- Print, laminate, set it up, and play!
Referentni Plan Lekcije
(Također možete stvoriti vlastiti na Quick Rubric.)
Vješt 7 Points | U Nastajanju 4 Points | Početak 1 Points | |
Pitanja/izazovi | Igra uključuje najmanje 10 pitanja ili izazova koji su relevantni i pokazuju da studenti razumiju temu. Upute su jasne i lako razumljive. | Igra uključuje manje od 10 pitanja ili izazova, a nedostaju neka važna pitanja relevantna za temu. | Uključeno je jedno ili nijedno pitanje ili se ne odnose na temu i pokazuju razumijevanje. Upute su nejasne. |
Dokazi o Naporu | Jasno je da je student uložio trud i brigu u izradu dizajna i likovnog rada. Tekst je pažljivo postavljen svuda. | Rad pokazuje neke dokaze truda. | Rad pokazuje malo dokaza o bilo kakvom trudu. |
Konvencije | Pravopis, gramatika i interpunkcija uglavnom su točni. | Pravopis, gramatika i interpunkcija su donekle ispravni. | Pravopis, gramatika i interpunkcija uglavnom su netočni. |
Pregled Aktivnosti
Students will love creating their own board game that they can play with their friends!
This Game Board project can be used in all subjects, such as to reinforce math facts, review questions in Social Studies or Science, or just for fun! Teachers could also have their students copy their finished board game to create an Answer Key.
Teachers can use this as a final assessment or culminating project to finish a unit. Then, students will enjoy celebrating their achievement by playing their games together at the end! Teachers can print out and laminate the games and set them up in different stations around the room so that students can travel around and try out each one. This could also be a great addition to a parent's night, science or math fair, or other school community showcase.
Remember teachers, for each assignment in Storyboard That you can add as many templates as you wish! This can help to differentiate assignments but also increases engagement by providing student choice. For more templates to add to this assignment, check out our game poster templates!
Upute o Predlošku i Klasi
(Ove su upute potpuno prilagodljive. Nakon što kliknete "Kopiraj aktivnost", ažurirajte upute na kartici Uredi zadatka.)
Due Date:
Objective: Create a board game that demonstrates your understanding of our unit.
Student Instructions:
- Click "Start Assignment"
- Using the template provided add directions as well as questions, numbers or symbols to the spaces.
- You may change the design, colors, or add other images to enhance your game board.
- If needed, in a separate cell or separate storyboard, make cards of questions or prompts.
- Make game tokens or use what you have in the classroom.
- Save and exit when you're finished.
- Print, laminate, set it up, and play!
Referentni Plan Lekcije
(Također možete stvoriti vlastiti na Quick Rubric.)
Vješt 7 Points | U Nastajanju 4 Points | Početak 1 Points | |
Pitanja/izazovi | Igra uključuje najmanje 10 pitanja ili izazova koji su relevantni i pokazuju da studenti razumiju temu. Upute su jasne i lako razumljive. | Igra uključuje manje od 10 pitanja ili izazova, a nedostaju neka važna pitanja relevantna za temu. | Uključeno je jedno ili nijedno pitanje ili se ne odnose na temu i pokazuju razumijevanje. Upute su nejasne. |
Dokazi o Naporu | Jasno je da je student uložio trud i brigu u izradu dizajna i likovnog rada. Tekst je pažljivo postavljen svuda. | Rad pokazuje neke dokaze truda. | Rad pokazuje malo dokaza o bilo kakvom trudu. |
Konvencije | Pravopis, gramatika i interpunkcija uglavnom su točni. | Pravopis, gramatika i interpunkcija su donekle ispravni. | Pravopis, gramatika i interpunkcija uglavnom su netočni. |
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StoryboardThat je zaštitni znak tvrtke Clever Prototypes , LLC i registriran u Uredu za patente i zaštitne znakove SAD-a