Nakon smrti majke, dvanaestogodišnji Rob i njegov otac sele se u Lister na Floridi, gdje Robov otac radi kao održavatelj u motelu u kojem žive. Usamljen, tužan i meta dvojice nasilnika, Rob sprema svoje osjećaje u metaforički kovčeg i zaključava ga. Robov život počinje se mijenjati kada pronađe velikog tigra zatvorenog u kavezu u šumi iza motela i upozna novu djevojku, Sistine Bailey. Dok Robova emocionalna ljuštura počinje pucati, on uči vrijednost prijateljstva i suočavanja sa svojim osjećajima, zajedno s izazovom donošenja teške odluke.
Neka učenici identificiraju i ilustriraju primjere figurativnog jezika u knjizi The Tiger Rising Kate DiCamillo.
Storyboard Tekst
Ahem, ahem!
Page 4: "He made all of his feelings go inside of the suitcase."This means that he packed his feelings away in order to forget about them.
Page 39: "The bus coughed and sputtered and finally drove away."This means that the bus was making a lot of noises as it drove away.
Page 56: "Every night the house lit up like a constellation, and they were all inside of it together, all three of them."Rob remembers how bright and happy his house was at Christmas before his mother died.