Za podučavanje eksperimentalnog dizajna i dopuštanje učenicima da sami razviju pitanja i hipoteze potrebno je vrijeme. Ovi materijali su stvoreni da osnuju i strukturiraju proces kako bi omogućili nastavnicima da se usredotoče na poboljšanje ključnih ideja u eksperimentalnom dizajnu.
Čvrsto razumijevanje sigurnosnih praksi u laboratoriju ključno je za naše studente za obavljanje praktičnog rada u laboratoriju. Učenici vole obavljati praktični rad i mogu puno naučiti iz praktičnih aktivnosti. Saznajte više o sigurnosti u laboratoriju na Storyboard That!
Experimental Design Risk Assessment for science experiments
Storyboard Tekst
Slajd: 1
Seeing how fast you can run 100 m
Slajd: 2
• Students could fall and hurt themselves • Asthma attack if students have asthma• Strained muscles
Slajd: 3
• Clear the running track of objects that people could fall over• If the participant has asthma check that they have their inhaler • Warm up and cool down effectively
Slajd: 4
Heating with a Bunsen burner
Slajd: 5
• Students could burn themselves• Students could set their hair alight• Students could damaged their eyes
Slajd: 6
• Leave the equipment to cool before touching it• Switch their Bunsen burner off when they finish heating• Wear safety googles when heating and tie hair back
Slajd: 7
Dissecting a sheep's heart with scissors and scalpel
Slajd: 8
• Students could cut themselves while using scalpel or scissors• Students could get food poisoning from contaminated hearts
Slajd: 9
• Don't walk around with scalpel or scissors• Wear gloves during dissection and wash hands after dissection• Disinfect desks and materials after the dissection