Ovdje u Storyboard That otkrili smo da pomoću ploča scenarija za stvaranje scenarija igranja uloga učenici mogu bolje vidjeti učinke i karakteristike zlostavljanja. Kroz interaktivne lekcije možete pomoći u promjeni načina razmišljanja učenika od "zlostavljanje je problem" u "zlostavljanje je problem i ja mogu učiniti nešto u vezi s tim".
Types of Bullying: Example of Verbal Bullying | Help students identify the different types of bullying with storyboard examples
Storyboard Tekst
Verbal bullying is words directed at a person. Name calling, insults, teasing, intimidation, or making homophobic or racist remarks are forms of verbal abuse.
Yo, Red, give me the ball. You can't play, you're a freak!
How old are you, five? My baby sister still plays in a sandbox.