Al Capone csinálja az ingem: Az Alcatraz-ból származó mese az 1935-es nagy depresszió idején kerül sor. Körülbelül 12 éves Moose Flanagan és nővére, Natalie, aki autizmussal rendelkezik. Amikor apjuk villanyszerelő munkát kap az Alcatrazon, a család odaköltözik, és a testvéreknek meg kell alkalmazkodniuk egy szigeten, ahol a világ legveszélyesebb bűnözőinek ad otthont!
Kérd meg a tanulókat, hogy hozzanak létre egy szöveget az Al Capone-t csinálják az ingemhez úgy, hogy kiválasztják kedvenc idézetüket vagy jelenetüket, és bemutatják, mit jelent számukra.
Storyboard Szöveg
Not much is understood about autism in the 1930s. The challenges with Natalie's autism cause a lot of stress for the family and they do not have a lot of support. They don't always know the best ways to help her and there are many misunderstandings surrounding autism. For instance, a psychologist told Mrs. Flanagan that the cause was that she did not have enough attention. Moose wonders if he had something to do with it since Natalie's challenges began when he was born. In a moving scene, Mr. Flanagan assures his son that he knows for certain that Moose is not at fault and he should not blame himself.
""Dad, . . . did I cause Natalie to be the way she is?" The question seems to come from somewhere deep inside of me . . . "Something I did? You said she got worse when she was three. That's when I was born. Was it me?" . . . ."Moose," My dad grabs my shoulders and he looks straight into my eyes. "I don't know," he says, taking a teary breath, "what caused Natalie to be [the way she is]. I don't think anyone knows that. But I do know this . . . Absolutely for sure it had nothing, nothing at all to do with you.""