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Biografia Della Storia Canadese: Jacques Cartier

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Biografia Della Storia Canadese: Jacques Cartier
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Un indigeno Inuk passa un mucchio di pellicce a un colonizzatore francese come parte del commercio di pellicce

Storia Antica del Canada

Di Liane Hicks

Il Canada è il secondo paese più grande del mondo e copre l'intera metà settentrionale del Nord America esclusa l'Alaska. È una vasta terra dai paesaggi diversi, dalle coste rocciose al mare, alle vaste praterie aperte, ai gelidi campi di ghiaccio e alle sue maestose montagne. Scopri di più con Storyboard That!


Storia Canadese

Storyboard Descrizione

Mentre studiavano la prima storia canadese, è utile per gli studenti creare poster biografici per una figura influente nella storia canadese. Questo esempio copre l'esploratore Jacques Cartier.

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  • “We set sail again trying to discover more wonders of this new world.”—Jacques Cartier
  • Claim to FameFrench mariner and explorer Jacques Cartier is famous for leading three expeditions into what is now Canada and claiming the land for France. He is credited with naming Canada, derived by the Huron-Iroquois word for settlement (kanata). He is also remembered for abandoning his settlement and his inhumane treatment of the Iroquois. His exploration led to the eventual colonization of Canada by France.
  • BornJacques Cartier was born December 31, 1491 in Saint-Malo, France, First VoyageIn 1534, King Francis I of France sent Cartier on an expedition to the "New World", the northern lands of North America, in search of riches such as gold and spices and the long sought after route to Asia. Cartier sailed in April 1534 with two ships and arrived in Newfoundland after 20 days. Cartier explored the west coast of Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, and the Gulf St. Lawrence. He came upon an Indigenous village and kidnapped two sons of Chief Donnacona and brought them back to France. King Francis was impressed with Cartier's discovery and sent him back on a second expedition. Second VoyageIn May 1535, Cartier sailed again on his second expedition. With the help of Donnacona's two sons acting as guides, Cartier was able to find the St. Lawrence River and sailed as far as Quebec and settled there. Cartier explored what is now Montreal and was generously welcomed by the Iroquois there. Despite their kindness, Cartier again kidnapped several Iroquois chiefs and returned to France. Cartier told the king that he believed great riches lay farther west as well as a possible route to Asia.Third Voyage King Francis sent Cartier on his third voyage in May 1541. He sailed with five ships and was set to claim the land surrounding the St. Lawrence River on behalf of France. Near Quebec, Cartier found what he thought was gold and diamonds. Rather than settle the area as directed, Cartier snuck away, abandoned the settlement and sailed for France with his supposed riches. Once in France, Cartier was dismayed to find that his "gold" and "diamonds" were worthless. France did not explore these lands for another fifty years. DeathCartier died on September 1, 1557, in Saint-Malo, France.
  • Born: December 31, 1491
  • First Voyage: April 20, 1534
  • Second Voyage: May 1535
  • Third Voyage: May 1541
  • Death: September 1, 1557
  • Jacques Cartier(1491-1557)
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