La superficie terrestre è estremamente varia, indipendentemente da dove ti trovi nel mondo. Dai piccoli stagni ai vasti oceani, dalle minuscole isole alle enormi montagne, la terra e l'acqua del nostro pianeta sono davvero affascinanti da conoscere. Coinvolgi gli studenti con le attività Storyboard That!
Crea uno storyboard che illustri molti dei benefici dei corpi d'acqua che si trovano sulla terra!
Testo Storyboard
People love to travel. However, not everyone likes to fly, and being out in the open sea is very appealing. Cruises are very popular, and can take people all over the world! Traveling by sea also helps the tourism industry in countries all over the world, as their beaches and warm weather are huge attractions for travelers.
Water provides entertainment and many recreational activities for people. Some examples of these activities are swimming, boating, sailing, and surfing.
Oceans and fresh water lakes and rivers provide people with seafood all over the world. Some examples of seafood are lobster, clams, many types of fish, and crab. In addition, the fishing industry provides a great deal of jobs.