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Lentiggine Juice - Schema Plot

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Lentiggine Juice - Schema Plot
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Succo di Lentiggine di Judy Blume

Juice lentiggine da Judy Blume

Piani di Lezione di Heidi Deck

Freckle Juice è un libro di capitoli riconoscibile e divertente, appropriato per gli studenti delle classi 1-3. L'autrice pluripremiata, Judy Blume, racconta una storia esilarante sul voler essere diverso. Il personaggio principale, Andrew Marcus, farà di tutto per avere le lentiggini come il suo compagno di classe Nicky Lane. Quando un compagno di classe si offre di vendere ad Andrew una ricetta per un intruglio chiamato "succo di lentiggini", ne vuole subito un po'.


Juice Lentiggine

Storyboard Descrizione

Lentiggine Piani di succo di lezione - diagramma Plot organizzatore grafico - Freckle Sommario Juice

Testo Storyboard

  • Life would be so much better if I just had freckles, like Nicky Lane!
  • Task of the Day: Offer someone help!
  • Andrew, I have the secret recipe for freckles! It'll only cost you 50 cents.
  • This smells awful! Just plain awful! I'll show Sharon. She probably thought I wouldn't be able to drink it.
  • Andrew Marcus dreams of having freckles like Nicky Lane. If he had freckles, he wouldn't have to wash his neck! Then, he wouldn't be late for school.
  • Oh Andrew! Are you okay? I saw that mess in the kitchen! You are going to bed!
  • Sharon convinces Andrew to buy her secret recipe for freckle juice.
  • Remember, it's a secret formula! You are a handsome boy without freckles.
  • Andrew rushes home to make the freckle juice! He gulps it down, and hopes it will work.
  • Nicky, if you want to get rid of your freckles, I have a secret recipe. It's been in my family for years. It'll only cost you 50 cents.
  • Andrew gets sicker and sicker. After being sent to bed, he dreams of Sharon and freckles. He decides he can't let Sharon get away with it. He'll just draw freckles on!
  • Miss Kelly offers Andrew her secret recipe for removing freckles for free. Nicky Lane wishes he could use the freckle remover too!
  • Sharon tries to sell a secret recipe for removing freckles to Nicky Lane.
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