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Poster di Dio Norreno

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Poster di Dio Norreno
Storyboard That

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È possibile trovare questo storyboard nei seguenti articoli e risorse:
Il dio nordico Odino si trova di fronte a una fortezza dall'aspetto antico. Tiene una lancia in una mano e due corvi nell'altra. Indossa un'armatura grigio scuro e un elmo con le corna.

Mitologia Norrena

Di Lauren Ayube

La mitologia nordica è composta da miti del popolo scandinavo ed è stata tramandata nel corso di molte generazioni sotto forma di poesia. Ha continuato a essere tramandato al tempo dei Vichinghi. Gli dei nordici erano mortali e potevano diventare immortali solo attraverso la magia. Coinvolgi gli studenti con le attività Storyboard That!


Mitologia Norrena

Storyboard Descrizione

Gli studenti possono creare un poster che evidenzi un dio o una dea nordica a loro scelta! Questo esempio riguarda Thor.

Testo Storyboard

  • Thor was the son of Odin and Fjorgyn, and arguably the most well-known of the Norse gods because of his appearance in Marvel comics and movies. His wife was Sif, the goddess of fertility. The red-bearded god rode his chariot of goats throughout the cosmos, battling giants with his hammer named Mjölnir, and going on quests to prove his valor and bravery.At one point in his journeys, his hammer was stolen by a giant named Thrym who refused to return it until Freya, the goddess of love and lust, became him his bride. Heimdall suggested that Thor disguise himself as Freya in order to get his hands on his hammer again. Thor went back to Thrym in disguise, but during dinner Thrym became suspicious because Thor ate so much. Loki schemed a response that Freya had not eaten in a week, which satisfied the giant until he went to kiss Freya, pulled back her veil, and saw eyes of fire. Loki again came to the rescue, claiming that she had not been able to sleep for a week, either. During the marriage ceremony, Mjölnir was brought forward and laid in Thor’s lap, as per their custom. Thor grabbed the hammer and killed all of the giants.
  • Thor
  • His hammer, Mjölnir, his chariot driven by goats, his helmet, iron gloves, and belt.
  • Theft of Thor’s Hammer, Loki’s Binding, Great Serpent Jörmungand
  • God of sky, thunder, healing, and sanctification.
  • Power and Domain
  • Symbols
  • Notable Myths
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