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Una Folle Estate Temi
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Un'estate Pazza di Rita Williams-Garcia

Una pazza estate di Rita Williams-Garcia

Di Liane Hicks

One Crazy Summer di Rita Williams-Garcia è il primo libro di una trilogia sulle sorelle Gaither: Delphine, Vonettam e Fern mentre crescono durante il movimento per i diritti civili degli anni '60. Lasciano il loro amorevole padre e la nonna a Brooklyn e si recano a Oakland, in California, per trascorrere un mese con la madre che non hanno mai conosciuto.


Una Pazza Estate

Storyboard Descrizione

Identifica i diversi temi presenti nel libro One Crazy Summer. Illustrare e descrivere i temi utilizzando le prove dal testo.

Testo Storyboard

  • Justice for AllAll Power to All of the PeopleRemember Li'l BobbyFree Huey
  • Family is important as the sisters rely on their love for each other. They have loving relationships with their father and grandmother but have always longed for their mother. Delphine plays the motherly role and helps raise her sisters.
  • Racism and the civil rights movement are a central theme. There are micro-aggressions against the girls. At the Black Panther-run summer camp, they learn about to the many injustices faced by Black people. Nzila is arrested for writing poetry about racial injustice. Delphine remembers how her father was accosted by a white police officer on a drive.
  • The Gaither sisters were abandoned by their mother when they were very small and only Delphine has any memories of her. This is the first time they are seeing her in 7 years. While they have been lovingly cared for by their father and grandmother, all three have been deeply affected by their mother's abandonment.
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