Pradėkite kurti savo pasirinktinius dauginimo darbalapius su Storyboard That! Naudokite vieną iš daugelio darbalapio šablonų, kad sukurtumėte praktikos puslapius, kuriuos turi mokiniai.
Mokytojai arba mokiniai gali redaguoti šį daugybos darbalapį, kad sukurtų matematikos uždavinius, kuriuos reikia išspręsti! Šis darbalapis yra visiškai pritaikomas ir sukurtas naudoti skaitmeniniu būdu arba spausdinti standartiniu spausdintuvu. Šis dizainas apima spalvingą kreidelių temą.
Siužetinės Linijos Tekstas
Delete this text box and place X amount of items here
Delete this text box and place X amount of items here
Delete this text box and place X amount of items here
Delete this text box and place X amount of items here
Directions: Enter Text Here
Name: Enter Text Here
Delete this text box and place X amount of items here
Delete this text box and place X amount of items here
Delete this text box and place X amount of items here
Delete this text box and place X amount of items here
Date: Enter Text Here
Delete this text box and place X amount of items here
Delete this text box and place X amount of items here
Delete this text box and place X amount of items here
Delete this text box and place X amount of items here
Delete this text box and place X amount of items here
Delete this text box and place X amount of items here
Delete this text box and place X amount of items here
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