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A Wrinkle in Time Plot Diagram

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A Wrinkle in Time Plot Diagram
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5 veidi, kā skolotāji var izmantot ELA 16x9 izkārtojumu

Autors: Emīlija Swartz

Lai gan 16x9 ir bijis nozares standarts filmu veidošanā jau daudzus gadus, mēs uzskatām, ka tas ir arī lielisks izkārtojums skolotājiem! Ļaujot vairāk vietas radīšanai, studentiem patiks šī izkārtojuma funkcija!


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Montāžas Apraksts

A Wrinkle in Time Summary & Plot Diagram activity - Have students complete a visual plot diagram for A Wrinkle in Time!

Montāžas Teksta

  • High schooler Meg Murry is a social misfit who lives with her mother, twin brothers Sandy and Dennys, and precocious four-year-old brother Charles Wallace. Although she has a high IQ, Meg gets poor grades at school, fights with the other students, and is frequently in trouble.
  • Mr. Murry has been missing for months, following an attempt to tesser, by traveling through a wrinkle in the space-time continuum.
  • ?
  • Three creatures, Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs, Which, take Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin to several different planets by tessering. They show the children the evil force threatening Earth and bring them to the planet Camazotz, where the Dark Thing has imprisoned Mr. Murry.
  • Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin find Mr. Murry who is trapped by the Dark Thing, represented on this planet by IT. Meg manages to free her father, but loses Charles Wallace to the power of IT.
  • Meg returns to Camazotz alone and uses her love for Charles Wallace to break his connection with IT.
  • I love you, Charles!
  • Meg, Calvin, and Charles Wallace tesser safely home to Earth with their father.
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