Visā skolēna izglītības laikā viņi, visticamāk, piedzīvos vienaudžu spiedienu. Ir svarīgi nodrošināt studentus ar zināšanām un prasmēm, lai atteiktos no vienaudžu negatīvā spiediena un atbalstītu pozitīvu vienaudžu spiedienu. Šīs aktivitātes palīdzēs jums nodot šīs svarīgās ziņas.
Positive Peer Pressure example: Not all types of peer pressure are negative! Help students identify the difference between positive and negative peer pressure
Montāžas Teksta
Alright class, I'll come around and pass back your quizzes. Use these to study for the upcoming test.
Yay! I got an A!
Nice try, Allen. I corrected the mistakes.
I studied! How did I get a D?
I got a B+!
I did not do well at all. I even studied, too!
Allen, you should study with Sandra and me next time.
I don't think that'll help. I'm just going to fail anyway.