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The Crucible Vocabulary Spider Map

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The Crucible Vocabulary Spider Map
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Jūs varat atrast šo montāžas šādās rakstiem un resursi:
Zirnekļa Kartes Iedvesma

Spider Karte Grafiskais Organizators Šajā Klasē

Autore Nataša Lupiani

Zirnekļa karte ir rīks, kas nodrošina vizuālu ietvaru studentiem lietošanai. Dažreiz to sauc par jēdzienu karti, zirnekļa kartei ir galvenā ideja vai tēma diagrammas centrā vai pamattekstā. Katrai detaļai vai apakštēmai, kas saistīta ar galveno ideju, ir sava kāja vai zars, kas ieskauj galveno ideju.


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Montāžas Apraksts

The Crucible by Arthur Miller - visual vocabulary spider map

Montāžas Teksta

  • That heathen devil worshiper is outside.
  • My brother gets hysterical when he sees a mouse.
  • Aaahhhhhh!
  • I heard the carnival was of prodigious size!
  • adj. not belonging to a widely held religion
  • adj. deriving from, or affected by, uncontrolled, extreme emotion
  • adj. impressively great in extent, size, or degree; abnormal
  • During WWII the Jews suffered persecution by the Nazis.
  • v. to subject to hostility and ill-treatment
  • v. to rid of an unwanted feeling, memory, condition, or element
  • I wish I could purge your death from my memory.
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