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Os Planos da Lição do Tesouro

Caldecott Honor book, The Treasure by Uri Shulevitz, is a simple story with a bold message. It teaches the reader that, “Sometimes one must travel far to discover what is near.”

Atividades do aluno para O Tesouro

The Treasure Summary

Isaac is a poor man. He has a dream that tells him to go to the capital city and search for treasure under the bridge near the Royal Palace. He pays no attention to it, as it is only a dream.

The dream occurs two more times, and Isaac decides he will journey to the capital city to search for treasure. Sometimes someone would give him a ride, but mostly he walks on his journey. He walks through forests and over mountains. He finally arrives at the city.

The bridge by the Royal Palace is guarded day and night. Isaac does not dare search for treasure, but he keeps coming back, wandering around the bridge. The Captain of the Guards asks Isaac why he is there. Isaac explains his dream and the Captain laughs at him. The Captain says if he would follow his dreams, he would be on a journey to the city where a man named Isaac lives, and dig up treasure under his stove. Isaac bows to the Captain and starts his long journey home. He crosses mountains and walks through forests. Sometimes someone would give him a ride, but mostly he walks. He finally arrives at his town.

When he gets to his home, he digs under the stove and finds treasure! He builds a house of prayer, and adds the inscription, “Sometimes one must travel far to discover what is near.” He sends the Captain of the Guards a priceless ruby, and lives the rest of his life happily.

Essential Questions for The Treasure

  1. Should you follow your dreams?
  2. What is the moral of the story? What did Isaac learn?

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