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Istoria Illinois

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Istoria Illinois
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Activități de Istorie a Statului Illinois

Ghidul Statului Illinois

De Lauren Ayube

Illinois este un stat din Midwest cu o varietate de peisaje și locuri de vizitat, de la Chicago la Starved Rock State Park. Elevii se vor bucura să învețe totul despre Illinois și de ce este un loc atât de minunat de trăit și vizitat.


Ghidul Statului Illinois

Storyboard Descriere

Studenții pot ilustra istoria Illinois într-o cronologie și pot evidenția evenimente importante de la pre-statalitate până în zilele noastre.

Storyboard Text

  • exploratori
  • Istoria Illinois
  • French explorers Jacques Marquette and Louis Joliet claim Illinois land for France.
  • englezii
  • Suveranității
  • Illinois became a state on December 3, 1818.
  • The British take over the land after their French and Indian War victory.
  • Războiul Blackhawk
  • Illinois a fost statul 21 admis în Uniune la 03 decembrie 1818.
  • Marele Chicago Fire
  • Because more and more Europeans were arriving, Native American tribes were forced to move out. In 1832, a group of Native Americans, led by Sauk chief Black Hawk, returned to Illinois to fight for the land. They were defeated by the U.S. Army in the Black Hawk War, and were forced to leave once again.
  • One of the worst fires in US history was the Great Chicago Fire. It started in a small barn in south Chicago on October 8th, although no one is sure how. Because the buildings and homes were made of wood with flammable roofs, they caught fire easily. There had also been a long drought and the winds were strong and dry. It destroyed over 17,000 buildings and homes, leaving about 100,000 people homeless.
  • Turnul Willis
  • The Sears Tower, now known as the Willis Tower, was completed in 1973. It took 3 years and about 2,000 workers to complete the job.
  • Image Attributions: (https://pixabay.com/en/chicago-willis-tower-city-downtown-882411/) - nicole288 - Licență: Free for Commercial Use / No Attribution Required (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0)

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