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Leaving School Early for a Doctor Visit | Transition Social Story

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Leaving School Early for a Doctor Visit | Transition Social Story
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Планы Уроков Social Story Transitions

Социальные Истории для Переходов и Неожиданными Событиями

Наташа Лупиани

Люди с расстройством аутистического спектра любят рутину и структуру, но рутина не всегда возможна. Иногда происходит переход или неожиданное событие, которое меняет рутину. Включение социальных историй о распространенных предстоящих переходах и неожиданных событиях может помочь подготовить учащихся и уменьшить тревогу по поводу перемен.


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Описание Раскадровки

Special Ed Social Stories for Transitions - Timmy is a school age boy with Autism. His mom picks him up everyday after school and takes him home. Today Timmy's mom has to take him to the doctor after school. He is anxious about not being able to go right home after school since Timmy doesn't not like a change in his routine.

Текст Раскадровки

  • Mom is going to take me to the doctor today instead of going straight home.
  • The doctor needs to check me out, then I will go home.
  • That was not bad at all. I still came home after school was over. I just had to go somewhere else first.
  • Timmy's mom picks him up from school just like every other day.
  • Timmy and his mom are in the car after school, driving to his doctor's appointment.
  • Timmy is at his doctor's appointment, and everything is okay.
  • Timmy and his mom are on their way home now. It's only a little later than he normally gets home.
  • Timmy has done all the things he needed to do.
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