«Другие слова для дома» рассказывает историю 12-летней Джуд, которая живет со своей семьей в приморском туристическом городке в Сирии. Все более ожесточенная гражданская война в Сирии вынуждает ее родителей принять трудное решение для Джуд и ее беременной матери бежать в Соединенные Штаты, чтобы жить с семьей своего дяди. Привлекайте учащихся готовыми заданиями Storyboard That!
Учащиеся могут нарисовать персонажей «Других слов для дома» Жасмин Варга и написать о физических / личностных качествах каждого персонажа, их взаимодействиях с другими и проблемах, с которыми они сталкиваются.
Текст Раскадровки
Physical / Personality Traits How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
Physical / Personality Traits How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
Physical / Personality Traits How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
Physical / Personality Traits How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
Physical / Personality Traits How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
Physical / Personality Traits How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
Physical / Personality Traits How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
Physical / Personality Traits How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
Physical / Personality Traits How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
Physical / Personality Traits How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?