Prehľad Aktivít
Keď čítajú dobrodružstvá malého princa, študenti by mali sledovať rôzne postavy, ktoré stretáva, a planéty, ktoré navštevuje. V rámci tejto aktivity budú študenti používať mapu znakov na sledovanie každej postavy a hodín, ktoré učia. Tieto informácie môžu byť prezentované dvoma spôsobmi so zameraním na rôzne postavy alebo na sedem rôznych planét, ktoré navštívil princ.
Vzorová storyboard, pokyny, šablóna a rubrika v tejto aktivite sú prispôsobené pre jednotlivé postavy, ale priradenie môžete ľahko zmeniť. Študenti by sa mali okrem toho nabádať, aby dokončili svoje dejové texty vo francúzštine.
Pokyny pre Šablóny a Triedy
(Tieto pokyny sú úplne prispôsobiteľné. Po kliknutí na položku „Kopírovať aktivitu“ aktualizujte pokyny na karte Upraviť zadania.)
Pokyny pre študentov
Vytvorte mapu znakov, aby ste mohli sledovať postavy v Le Petit Prince a hodiny, ktoré učia malého princa.
- Kliknite na tlačidlo „Spustiť priradenie“.
- V každej bunke identifikujte postavy, ich osobnosť, dôležité citácie a lekciu, ktorú učia malého princa.
- Vyberte znak z ktorejkoľvek sekcie, ktorá predstavuje každý znak.
- Pridajte ďalšie scény alebo položky, ktoré predstavujú alebo idú spolu s každou postavou.
- Uložte a odošlite svoj storyboard.
Odkaz na Plán Lekcie
(Môžete si tiež vytvoriť svoj vlastný na Quick Rubric.)
Excellent 4 Points | Satisfaisant 2 Points | Insuffisant 1 Points | |
Character traits | Each character box includes 2-4 appropriate character traits. Nearly all character traits are spelled correctly and agree in number and gender with the character. | Most character boxes include more than one character appropriate character trait. Most character traits are spelled correctly and agree in number and gender with the character. | Boxes only include one character trait or none at all. Many character traits are misspelled or lack proper agreement. |
Quotation | Each character box contains a quotation spoken by or about the character. All quotations are significant and reflect an important moment or character trait. | Most character boxes contain a quotation spoken by or about the character. Most quotations are significant and reflect an important moment or character trait. | Some character boxes are missing quotations or contain quotations that do not connect to the character. Some or all quotations may be of little significance. |
Lesson | Each character box includes a valid lesson that can be derived from the little prince's interactions with that character. The lesson is clearly worded in a complete sentence. | Most of the character boxes include a valid lesson that can be derived from the little prince's interactions with that character. The lessons may lack clarity or be presented in sentence fragments. | Some character boxes are missing lessons and/or include lessons that are not demonstrated by interactions with the featured characters. Many of the lessons lack clarity of expression and/or complete sentences. |
Images | All storyboard depictions show effort and appropriately depict the characters. | Most storyboard depictions show effort and appropriately depict the characters. | The storyboard depictions show a lack of effort and fail to provide a reasonable depiction of the character, based on the details in the book. |
Grammar and Spelling | All sentences and/or dialogue contain correct grammar and spelling (including accent marks) as appropriate for the class level. | Most sentences and/or dialogue contain correct grammar and spelling (including accent marks) as appropriate for the class level. | The sentences and/or dialogue contain many grammatical or spelling errors (including accent marks). |
Prehľad Aktivít
Keď čítajú dobrodružstvá malého princa, študenti by mali sledovať rôzne postavy, ktoré stretáva, a planéty, ktoré navštevuje. V rámci tejto aktivity budú študenti používať mapu znakov na sledovanie každej postavy a hodín, ktoré učia. Tieto informácie môžu byť prezentované dvoma spôsobmi so zameraním na rôzne postavy alebo na sedem rôznych planét, ktoré navštívil princ.
Vzorová storyboard, pokyny, šablóna a rubrika v tejto aktivite sú prispôsobené pre jednotlivé postavy, ale priradenie môžete ľahko zmeniť. Študenti by sa mali okrem toho nabádať, aby dokončili svoje dejové texty vo francúzštine.
Pokyny pre Šablóny a Triedy
(Tieto pokyny sú úplne prispôsobiteľné. Po kliknutí na položku „Kopírovať aktivitu“ aktualizujte pokyny na karte Upraviť zadania.)
Pokyny pre študentov
Vytvorte mapu znakov, aby ste mohli sledovať postavy v Le Petit Prince a hodiny, ktoré učia malého princa.
- Kliknite na tlačidlo „Spustiť priradenie“.
- V každej bunke identifikujte postavy, ich osobnosť, dôležité citácie a lekciu, ktorú učia malého princa.
- Vyberte znak z ktorejkoľvek sekcie, ktorá predstavuje každý znak.
- Pridajte ďalšie scény alebo položky, ktoré predstavujú alebo idú spolu s každou postavou.
- Uložte a odošlite svoj storyboard.
Odkaz na Plán Lekcie
(Môžete si tiež vytvoriť svoj vlastný na Quick Rubric.)
Excellent 4 Points | Satisfaisant 2 Points | Insuffisant 1 Points | |
Character traits | Each character box includes 2-4 appropriate character traits. Nearly all character traits are spelled correctly and agree in number and gender with the character. | Most character boxes include more than one character appropriate character trait. Most character traits are spelled correctly and agree in number and gender with the character. | Boxes only include one character trait or none at all. Many character traits are misspelled or lack proper agreement. |
Quotation | Each character box contains a quotation spoken by or about the character. All quotations are significant and reflect an important moment or character trait. | Most character boxes contain a quotation spoken by or about the character. Most quotations are significant and reflect an important moment or character trait. | Some character boxes are missing quotations or contain quotations that do not connect to the character. Some or all quotations may be of little significance. |
Lesson | Each character box includes a valid lesson that can be derived from the little prince's interactions with that character. The lesson is clearly worded in a complete sentence. | Most of the character boxes include a valid lesson that can be derived from the little prince's interactions with that character. The lessons may lack clarity or be presented in sentence fragments. | Some character boxes are missing lessons and/or include lessons that are not demonstrated by interactions with the featured characters. Many of the lessons lack clarity of expression and/or complete sentences. |
Images | All storyboard depictions show effort and appropriately depict the characters. | Most storyboard depictions show effort and appropriately depict the characters. | The storyboard depictions show a lack of effort and fail to provide a reasonable depiction of the character, based on the details in the book. |
Grammar and Spelling | All sentences and/or dialogue contain correct grammar and spelling (including accent marks) as appropriate for the class level. | Most sentences and/or dialogue contain correct grammar and spelling (including accent marks) as appropriate for the class level. | The sentences and/or dialogue contain many grammatical or spelling errors (including accent marks). |
Viac Storyboard That Aktivity
Le Petit Princ
Úvodná Ponuka Školy
LEN 500 $
- 1 Škola
- 5 učiteľov na jeden rok
- 1 hodina virtuálneho PD
30-dňová záruka vrátenia peňazí • Len noví zákazníci • Plná cena po uvádzacej ponuke • Prístup je na 1 kalendárny rok
© 2025 - Clever Prototypes, LLC - Všetky práva vyhradené.
StoryboardThat je ochranná známka spoločnosti Clever Prototypes , LLC a registrovaná na úrade USA pre patenty a ochranné známky