Prehľad Aktivít
Movie posters are a fun way for students to boil down the most important aspects of a novel. After reading a book students will create a movie poster that showcases the setting, characters, a chosen scene or overarching themes of the story. This example showcases the popular upper elementary novel The Wild Robot but teachers and students can use this activity for any story they wish! Students can include the title and author of the book, a catchy tagline, and a "critic's review" informing the audience why they should go to see the movie. Students can elaborate further and include more writing by describing the story as well.
To make this a class assignment, consider giving each student a different chapter or scene to focus on. When students complete their posters, they can be printed out and hung in the classroom. Students should be prepared to present on the choices they made during the creation process.
Teachers, don't forget, you can add as many templates as you wish to provide students with choice! For additional templates to add to this assignment, check out our movie poster templates!
Pokyny pre Šablóny a Triedy
(Tieto pokyny sú úplne prispôsobiteľné. Po kliknutí na položku „Kopírovať aktivitu“ aktualizujte pokyny na karte Upraviť zadania.)
Due Date:
Objective: Create a movie poster for a book..
Student Instructions:
- Identify scenes, characters, items and /or animals appropriate to your book and arrange them artfully on the poster. You may choose to showcase a particular scene in the book or an overarching theme.
- Add the title and author of the book as well as a catchy slogan or tagline.
- Add a "critic's review": one to three sentences describing why the audience should see this movie and what is compelling about the story.
Odkaz na Plán Lekcie
(Môžete si tiež vytvoriť svoj vlastný na Quick Rubric.)
Zručný | Vznikajúci | Začiatok | |
Text | Obsahuje názov, autora, pútavý slogan a 1-3 vetovú kritiku, ktorá presne popisuje príbeh a prečo by si ľudia mali ísť pozrieť film. | Chýba jeden prvok textu. | Chýbajú dva alebo viac prvkov textu. |
Ilustrácie | Ilustrácie zobrazujú scénu alebo tému príbehu s jasnými vizuálmi vrátane vhodnej scény, postavy, predmetov atď. | Ilustrácie zobrazujú scénu alebo tému z príbehu, ale sú nejasné alebo neúplné. | Ilustrácie nezobrazujú scénu ani tému z príbehu. |
Prehľad Aktivít
Movie posters are a fun way for students to boil down the most important aspects of a novel. After reading a book students will create a movie poster that showcases the setting, characters, a chosen scene or overarching themes of the story. This example showcases the popular upper elementary novel The Wild Robot but teachers and students can use this activity for any story they wish! Students can include the title and author of the book, a catchy tagline, and a "critic's review" informing the audience why they should go to see the movie. Students can elaborate further and include more writing by describing the story as well.
To make this a class assignment, consider giving each student a different chapter or scene to focus on. When students complete their posters, they can be printed out and hung in the classroom. Students should be prepared to present on the choices they made during the creation process.
Teachers, don't forget, you can add as many templates as you wish to provide students with choice! For additional templates to add to this assignment, check out our movie poster templates!
Pokyny pre Šablóny a Triedy
(Tieto pokyny sú úplne prispôsobiteľné. Po kliknutí na položku „Kopírovať aktivitu“ aktualizujte pokyny na karte Upraviť zadania.)
Due Date:
Objective: Create a movie poster for a book..
Student Instructions:
- Identify scenes, characters, items and /or animals appropriate to your book and arrange them artfully on the poster. You may choose to showcase a particular scene in the book or an overarching theme.
- Add the title and author of the book as well as a catchy slogan or tagline.
- Add a "critic's review": one to three sentences describing why the audience should see this movie and what is compelling about the story.
Odkaz na Plán Lekcie
(Môžete si tiež vytvoriť svoj vlastný na Quick Rubric.)
Zručný | Vznikajúci | Začiatok | |
Text | Obsahuje názov, autora, pútavý slogan a 1-3 vetovú kritiku, ktorá presne popisuje príbeh a prečo by si ľudia mali ísť pozrieť film. | Chýba jeden prvok textu. | Chýbajú dva alebo viac prvkov textu. |
Ilustrácie | Ilustrácie zobrazujú scénu alebo tému príbehu s jasnými vizuálmi vrátane vhodnej scény, postavy, predmetov atď. | Ilustrácie zobrazujú scénu alebo tému z príbehu, ale sú nejasné alebo neúplné. | Ilustrácie nezobrazujú scénu ani tému z príbehu. |
Viac Storyboard That Aktivity
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StoryboardThat je ochranná známka spoločnosti Clever Prototypes , LLC a registrovaná na úrade USA pre patenty a ochranné známky