Toto je piata časť nášho ilustrovaného sprievodcu vývojom produktov. V celej tejto sérii sme rozšírili myšlienku produktu na obchodnú koncepciu, na začiatok plánu Go-to-Market a vyvinutých osobností, ktoré zodpovedajú všetkým týmto častiam. Takisto sme varovali opakovane, že najväčším rizikom, ktorým spoločnosť, nový produkt alebo služba prináša niečo, čo nikto nechce. V tomto článku budeme diskutovať niekoľko predpokladov, ktoré sme urobili, ako ovplyvňujú našu prácu a ako ich môžeme otestovať. Mnohé aspekty nášho podnikateľského plánu vyžadujú, aby predchádzajúci predpoklad bol pravdivý, ale ak je predchádzajúci predpoklad nepravdivý, veľké časti budúcej práce môžu a mali by byť vynechané.
SoLoMoFoo Validating Assumptions - Validate your business assumptions and ideas before you invest time and money
Text z Príbehu
Baking Bridget Exists
I hope people find my cupcakes!
Survey Office Workers
Do you bring food in to share with your office?
How many average servings are there?
4 Times per Year
Switch to Lunch Meeting Larry
Change if Test Fails
I hope people find the left over Chinese Food!
People will make food and want to give it away for free at work.
People Will Use an App
Create a survey to determine how many people bring in free food, and how often. ALSO create a formula with a baseline required to pass.
Offer a Cupcake to Install an App
10 Servings
Switch the scenario to food being provided from left over meetings and see how this evolves the product.
Ring a Physical Bell
Cupcakes in the Breakroom!
Share Food
Cupcakes in the Breakroom!
If I give you this cupcake, will you install SoLoMoFoo?
Ring bell to alert people to free food!
People will be willing to go to the effort to post and watch for free alerts.
People Like Free Food
This assumption is really two fold: 1) Will people install an app to RECEIVE free food? 2) Will people install an app to PROMOTE free food?
Leave Free Food in a Kitchen
Create a physical mechanism to alert people in the company about free food. No app required!
Come Up with a New Idea
People will eat free food found in the kitchen.
Test if people will eat free food in a kitchen, we can go and buy cupcakes and leave them in the kitchen. Come back an hour later... Probably all gone.
If no one wants your cupcakes, get a glass of milk, eat your cupcakes, and brainstorm a new business idea!
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