Počas vzdelávania študenta s najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou zažijú určitú formu tlaku rovesníkov. Je nevyhnutné vyzbrojiť študentov vedomosťami a zručnosťami, aby odmietali negatívny tlak rovesníkov a podporovali pozitívny tlak rovesníkov. Tieto aktivity vám pomôžu dostať sa k týmto dôležitým správam.
Positive Peer Pressure example: Not all types of peer pressure are negative! Help students identify the difference between positive and negative peer pressure
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Alright class, I'll come around and pass back your quizzes. Use these to study for the upcoming test.
Yay! I got an A!
Nice try, Allen. I corrected the mistakes.
I studied! How did I get a D?
I got a B+!
I did not do well at all. I even studied, too!
Allen, you should study with Sandra and me next time.
I don't think that'll help. I'm just going to fail anyway.
C'mon Allen, we make flash cards. It'll be fun!
Alright. I guess I have nothing to lose.
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