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Red Bandana: 5 W z 9/11

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Red Bandana: 5 W z 9/11
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The Red Bandanna od Toma Rinaldi Activities

Červená šatka od Toma Rinaldiho

Autor: Lauren Ayube

Amerika sa zmenila 11. septembra 2001. Aj keď ide o rozhodujúci a dôležitý čas v dejinách krajiny, učitelia často zápasia s tým, ako prebrať túto tému so svojimi študentmi citlivo a primerane veku. Jedným zo spôsobov, ako hovoriť s deťmi o 11. septembri, je zamerať sa na všetkých úžasných ľudí, ktorí riskovali alebo obetovali svoje životy, aby zachránili iných. Verzia The Red Bandanna pre mladých dospelých je krásnym skutočným príbehom Wellesa Crowthera, bežného 24-ročného muža, ktorého meno a hrdinské činy si budeme pamätať ešte mnoho rokov.


Červená Šatka

Text z Príbehu

  • Why did 9/11 happen?
  • Who was involved in 9/11?
  • What is 9/11?
  • Al-Qaeda, an international extremist terrorist group, wanted to attack America in order to cause fear and weaken America's standing in the world community. They knew they couldn't contend against America's strong military, so they chose the most symbolic places in the country to attack.
  • Al-Qaeda was founded by Osama bin Laden and was the group who carried out the series of attacks. Almost 3,000 people from 93 nations lost their lives on 9/11.
  • 9/11 is short for September 11. It is the day that terrorists flew planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. A fourth place crashed in a field in Pennsylvania.
  • When was 9/11?
  • September, 2001
  • 5 Ws of 9/11
  • Where did 9/11 take place?
  • The 9/11 attacks took place on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001.
  • Two planes crashed in New York City, one in Washington, D.C., and one in Pennsylvania. However, 9/11 impacted all of America, and even the whole world.
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