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Váš Svet - Symboly

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Váš Svet - Symboly
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Vaše Plány Svetovej Lekcie

Váš svet Gruzínska Douglas Johnson

Plány Lekcií od Ashley Trudeau

„Váš svet“ je pozoruhodná báseň s posolstvom vytrvalosti. Opisuje cestu človeka, ktorý spoznáva svoj potenciál vo svete, pričom ako metaforu používa letiaceho vtáka, ktorý predstavuje človeka „lietajúceho“ bez obmedzení, ktoré by mu bránili v dosiahnutí jeho plného potenciálu.


Tvoj Svet

Storyboard Popis

Vaše Svetové Symboly Básní

Text z Príbehu

  • "In the narrowest nest in a corner, My wings pressing close to my side."
  • "Wings" in this poem symbolize a person's abilities. In the first stanza, they keep their wings by their side. The person doesn't think they can succeed. In the third stanza, the wings are open and ready for flight. The person realizes their potential.
  • "I battered the cordons around me And cradled my wings on the breeze Then soared to the uttermost reaches With rapture, with power, with ease!"
  • The "horizon" symbolizes a dream or goal that the person wants to achieve.
  • "But I sighted the distant horizon Where the skyline encircled the sea And I throbbed with a burning desire To travel this immensity."
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