Freckle Juice Lekovni Načrti | Aktivne Aktivnosti Sokova

Freckle Juice is a relatable and entertaining chapter book, appropriate for students in grades 1-3. Award winning author Judy Blume, tells a hilarious story about wanting to be different. The main character, Andrew Marcus, will do just about anything to have freckles like his classmate Nicky Lane. When a classmate offers to sell Andrew a recipe for a concoction called "freckle juice", he wants some immediately.

Students will quickly identify with the characters, and will love Andrew’s attempt to solve his troubles by making "freckle juice". This is an ideal book for beginning plot and character mapping, and using these fun activities, your students will be able to bring the story to life!

Študentske dejavnosti za Sončne Pege sok

Freckle Juice Summary

Second grader Andrew Marcus wants freckles more than anything in the world. His classmate Nicky Lane has the perfect set of freckles. One day Andrew counted 86 of them! If only Andrew could find out how to get them, he wouldn’t have to wash his neck and he’d never be late for school! He probably wouldn’t get in as much trouble with Ms. Kelly either, because he wouldn’t be so distracted by Nicky’s freckles. The only problem is, freckles seem impossible to get.

That is, until his obnoxious classmate Sharon lets Andrew in on her secret: the recipe for "freckle juice" has been in her family for years. It’ll only cost Andrew fifty cents. Although Andrew would rather not pay Sharon for anything, he can’t stop thinking about it. He decides it must be worth a try. Things don’t go smoothly during the recipe exchange. After paying up, Sharon throws the recipe across the classroom, and Andrew falls on the floor trying to grab it. Ms. Kelly confiscates the recipe. Luckily (or unluckily) for Andrew, she returns it to him at the end of the school day.

Andrew can’t contain his excitement, and runs home from school to mix the recipe. Andrew mixes up the recipe, using some substitute ingredients, ignores the foul smell, and gulps it down. Soon, Andrew is feeling strange, but more of a sick strange than a freckle strange. When Mrs. Marcus comes home, Andrew is in rough shape. At first she is concerned, but after seeing the mess of ingredients in the kitchen, she sends Andrew to bed.

There was no way Andrew was going to let Sharon get away with tricking him. He comes up with a plan: he’ll simply draw the freckles on! His classmates get a kick out of his blue magic markers freckles, but Andrew doesn’t care. Soon, his kind teacher lets him in on her little secret. She quietly gives him a secret formula for removing freckles – for free! Andrew finds a bar of soap and instructions wrapped neatly in the secret box. When he sheepishly returns to class, Nicky Lane can’t believe it. He asks Ms. Kelly if he can use her secret formula. Andrew can’t believe Nicky would want to get rid of his freckles. The story ends with a lesson about self-esteem for Andrew, and one last offer from Sharon. She wants to sell a secret recipe for freckle remover to Nicky Lane. The recipe has been in her family for years...

Essential Questions for Freckle Juice

  1. Have you ever wished you could be like someone else? Why did you feel that way?
  2. What would it be like if everyone was the same?
  3. What is something that makes you unique?
  4. What does it mean to accept who you are?

Kako Mlajšim Učencem Razložiti Lekcijo o Pegavem Soku


Opišite Zgodbo

Začnite z opisom "Freckle Juice" kot zgodbe o majhnem otroku po imenu Andrew, ki si iskreno želi pege. Utemelji Andrewovo željo po pegah z izjavo, da se mu zdijo res kul in da jih ima njegov prijatelj Nicky. Učencem zastavite vprašanja, na primer zakaj mislijo, da ima Andrew tako rad pege. In če je njegova želja upravičena?


Pogovorite se o Andrejevi Želji

Opišite Andrejevo gorečo željo. Občuduje Nickyine pege in se odloči, da si jih želi tudi on, saj so tako edinstvene. Učence je treba vprašati, ali so si kdaj želeli nekaj, ker so verjeli, da je edinstveno, kot je to storil Andrew.


Pogovorite se o Andrewjevem Načrtu

Opišite Andrewovo strategijo za pridobivanje peg. Izve, da naj bi ga edinstvena mešanica, znana kot "pegasti sok", obdarila s pegami. Verjame, da ga bodo pege naredile srečnega in bolj podobnega njegovemu prijatelju Nickyju.


Posredujte Lekcijo

Pojasnite glavni nauk zgodbe. Andrew je pridobil res dragoceno znanje. Odkrije, da je edinstven sam po sebi. Ni mu treba spreminjati sebe, da bi bil kot nekdo drug, da bi bil edinstven.


Povejte Jim, naj Bodo Ponosni Nase

Izrazite, kako čudovit in drugačen je vsak od nas, tako kot Andrew. Vprašajte otroke, kaj jih dela edinstvene; morda so nadarjeni za skiciranje, odlični prijatelji ali imajo odličen smisel za humor. Poudarite, kako pomembno je biti ponosen nase.


Ustvarjalna Vaja

Kot zabavno vajo naj otroci skicirajo sebe in naštejejo lastnosti, ki jih pri sebi cenijo. To jim pomaga ohraniti lekcijo – da so čudoviti prav takšni, kot so.

Pogosta Vprašanja o Soku Pege

Kakšna je tema "Pegastega soka"?

Mladenič po imenu Andrew v otroškem romanu Judy Blume "Freckle Juice" si močno želi pege kot njegov prijatelj Nicky. Eksperimentira s številnimi sredstvi za pridobivanje peg in celo razmišlja o zaužitju neznane tekočine, znane kot "sok peg", da bi izpolnil svoje ambicije.

Zakaj Andrew tako obupano potrebuje pege?

Za Andrewa bo pridobivanje peg pomagalo, da izstopa in bo bolj podoben svojemu prijatelju Nickyju, ki jih ima veliko. Meni, da so pege kul in nenavadne.

Kaj je glavni konflikt zgodbe?

Andrewova močna želja po pegah je glavni vir spora. Razvije obsedenost s konceptom in išče druge načine za uresničitev svojega cilja, kar ga postavi v zabavne in nepričakovane okoliščine.

Poiščite več podobnih zgodborisnih dejavnosti v naši K-5 literarni kategoriji!
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