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Časovnica Vse o Meni

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Časovnica Vse o Meni
Storyboard That

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Najdete storyboard v naslednjih členih in virov:
Uvod v Družbene Zgodbe

Nazaj na dejavnosti šole z Storyboard That

Učni Načrti Anna Warfield

Dobro žalosti! Ali lahko verjamete, da je BTS časa že? Poletje je vedno beži, vendar ne skrbite: ekipa učiteljev v Storyboard That je prišel gor z nekaj dobre ideje priti do Storyboarding s svojimi učenci takoj.

Učilnica študentov sedi za mizami z odprtimi prenosniki. Njihov učitelj ima Storyboard That  projicirano na tablo.

Spoznajte Storyboard That

Te dejavnosti bodo vas in študente popeljale skozi proces ustvarjanja snemalnih knjig, ki imajo dva namena: seznaniti študente s programom in spoznati vaše nove študente ter odkriti njihove cilje, želje, všečke in nevšečnosti v zabavnem, vizualnem mediju. .


Spoznajte Storyboard That

Snemalna Knjiga Opis

Študentje bodo radi ustvarili časovnico »Vse o meni« za vrnitev v šolo!

Snemalna Knjiga Besedilo

  • BORN: July 25, 2007
  • The Life of James Edward Milton
  • I was born on Wednesday, July 25, 2007. My parents named me James after my mom's dad and Edward after my dad's dad. My mom and dad said that I was the cutest baby they had ever seen. We still live in the same house in River Park, Ohio.
  • When I was two years old, my brother Dan was born. I was so excited to have a baby brother. We fight sometimes but we get along really well and do pretty much everything together. His first word was even my name: Jay!
  • When I was six years old, I started to play basketball. It is my all time favorite sport and I still play it to this day. I am hoping to make the team in high school!
  • To Be!Or Not, To Be!
  • A big event in my life was when we got my dog Carson. He is a French Bulldog and he is really fun to play with. My brother and I take him everywhere with us. His favorite game is fetch.
  • When I was in 6th Grade, I tried out for the school play and I made it! I had never done a play before so this was a really big deal for me. We performed in front of over three hundred people and even got a standing ovation!
  • Can I borrow this clean mask? I've got in person school today.
  • Sir, you're muted.
  • I am starting high school now and I am so excited (and nervous) to go to a big new school. I plan to try out for the basketball team and for the school play as well. We'll see what the future holds for Jay Milton!
  • First Day of High School 2021!
  • In March 2020, the world locked down for the Covid-19 pandemic. My brother and I had hybrid school, so we learned remotely some days and went in person some days. It was a bummer. Luckily, I didn't lose anyone I love to Covid but I'm so sorry for those that died. I'm grateful to be vaccinated now.
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