Budizem izpoveduje več kot 500 milijonov ljudi po vsem svetu in je četrta največja religija na svetu. Budizem je star približno 2500 let in se je začel v 6. stoletju na podlagi Budovih naukov. To je religija, ki se osredotoča na mir in spokojnost ter pomen moralnega in dobrega življenja.
Judovstvo je ena najstarejših neprekinjeno izvajanih religij na svetu, ki se je začela pred približno 4000 leti. Danes judovstvo prakticira približno 15 milijonov ljudi po vsem svetu. Ta starodavna religija je bila prva monoteistična (verovala je v enega Boga) in je korenina današnjih dveh največjih religij, krščanstva in islama.
Sikhizem izpoveduje približno 26 milijonov ljudi in je peta največja religija na svetu. Beseda sikh v pandžabščini pomeni božji učenec. Privrženec sikhizma časti enega Boga in si prizadeva živeti mirno življenje poštenosti, dobrodelnosti, enakosti in vere.
Krščanstvo izpoveduje približno 2,4 milijarde ljudi po vsem svetu, zaradi česar je največja vera na svetu. Kristjani verjamejo v življenje in nauke Jezusa Kristusa, za katerega menijo, da je Mesija ali odrešenik vsega človeštva. Jezusov nauk je bil osredotočen na ljubezen, odpuščanje, mir in upanje.
Učenci lahko z grafikonom primerjajo in primerjajo različne velike svetovne religije. Ta lestvica vključuje hinduizem, judaizem, budizem, krščanstvo, islam in sikhizem. Označuje, kdaj se je religija začela, kje so njeni privrženci po svetu, število njenih privržencev itd.
Snemalna Knjiga Besedilo
World Religions
TIMELINE: What years did this religion originate?
~2000 B.C.E.
LOCATIONS: Where are its followers today?
IndiaNepalMauritiusBali, Indonesia, the Caribbean, North America, South America, Europe, and worldwide.
POPULATIONS: How many followers are there today?
~ 1.16 billion~ 15% of World Population
Polytheistic: The Trimurti: Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and incarnations of main gods that make up the one Supreme God, Brahman which is the ultimate reality .Pursuit of TruthDoing what is Morally Right and Good. Karma (Actions Affect your Next Life) Dharma (Do what is Just and Good) Reincarnation(Souls are born again after death)
~2000 B.C.E.
IsraelNorth America, Middle East, North Africa, Europe, Latin America, Caribbean, and worldwide.
~ 14.7 million~ .2% of World Population
Monotheistic: Belief in One God.God's Covenant: Worshipping the one true God and following the Ten Commandments, Speaking the truth, Promoting peace and justice,Charity and service to others,Importance of education
~500 B.C.E.
China, Nepal, Thailand, Myanmar, India, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Laos, Korea, Japan, and worldwide.
~ 507 million ~ 7% of population
Buddha is the Enlightened One, a revered teacherThe Four Noble Truths: Everyone suffers, we are the cause of our suffering, we can end our suffering, following the Eightfold Path leads to an end of sufferingThe Eightfold Path: Right View, Right Intention, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Concentration, Right Mindfulness,Karma (Actions Affect your Next Life) Dharma (Do what is Just and Good) Reincarnation(Souls are born again after death)
North and South America, Europe, the Philippines, Sub-Saharan Africa, Oceania, and worldwide.
~ 2.4 billion ~ 30% of population
Monotheistic: Belief in One God.The Holy Trinity: Belief in the Father, the Son and the Holy SpiritJesus is the Son of God, the Messiah through whom one can find salvationLove and Forgiveness, Asking Forgiveness from God for your Sins,Charity and service to others,Importance of education
Southwest Asia, North Africa, Southeast Asia, India, North and South America, China, Europe, and worldwide.
~ 2 billion ~ 25% of population
Monotheistic: Belief in One God (Allah in Arabic).Muhammad was God's Final ProphetThe Quran is the Word of GodImportance of prayer, Promoting peace, justice, and equality,Charity and service to others,Importance of education
Monotheistic: Belief in One God.Following the teachings of the 10 Sikh Gurus and the holy book, the Guru Granth SahibImportance of prayer, charity and serving othersPromoting peace, justice and equality for all,Duty to look after God's creations