  • Iskanje
  • Moje Zbirke Zgodb

Zvezde pod Našimi Nogami Povzetek

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Zvezde pod Našimi Nogami Povzetek
Storyboard That

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Najdete storyboard v naslednjih členih in virov:
Grafični Diagrami

Parcela Shema in Narrative Arc

Avtor: Katherine Docimo in Kristy Littlehale

Pripovedni loki in prototipni "diagram zapleta" so bistveni za ustvarjanje literarnega razumevanja in vrednotenja. Diagrami zapletov omogočajo učencem, da izberejo glavne teme v besedilu, sledijo spremembam glavnih likov tekom pripovedi in izpopolnijo svoje analitične sposobnosti.

Grafični Diagrami

Ideja Dejavnosti ELA: Ustvarite Povzetek Vizualne Knjige

Avtor: Emily Swartz

Z ustvarjanjem povzetka knjige, povzetka poglavja ali diagrama zapleta v postavitvi snemalne knjige si lahko študentje zlahka zapomnijo pomembne stvari iz zgodbe in jih uporabijo za učenje za izpit ali pripravo na projekt.

Zvezde pod Našimi Nogami Davida Barclaya Moora

Zvezde pod nogami Davida Barclayja Mooreja

Avtor: Liane Hicks

The Stars Beneath Our Feet govori o 12-letni Wallace "Lolly" Rachpaul, ki odrašča v Harlemu v New Yorku. Knjiga se začne na božični večer nekaj mesecev po tem, ko je bil Lollyin veliki brat Jermaine tragično ubit v streljanju, povezanem s tolpami. Zgodba spremlja Lollyja, ko svojo žalost usmerja v ustvarjalnost. Ta navdihujoča zgodba o družini, tragediji in odpornosti prikazuje zdravilno moč umetnosti, skupnosti in prijateljstva.


Zvezde pod Nogami

Snemalna Knjiga Opis

Učenci naj s pomočjo te zabavne dejavnosti ustvarijo vizualni povzetek zgodbe Zvezde pod našimi nogami avtorja Davida Barclaya Mooreja!

Snemalna Knjiga Besedilo

  • Zvezde pod nogami
  • Zvezde pod nogami, ki jih David Barclay Moore okoli 12-year-old Wallace "Lolly" Rachpaul odraščajo v Harlemu. Knjiga se začne na božični večer nekaj mesecev po tem, ko je bil Lollyjev veliki brat Jermaine tragično ubit v streljanju, povezanem z bando. Zgodba sledi Lollyju, ko svojo žalost usmerja v ustvarjalnost. Poglobi se v svoj najljubši hobi, Legos, Lolly s svojo domišljijo in umetnostjo gradi obširen, zapleten svet Harmonee.
  • CLIMAX / prelomnici
  • ConvenienceMart
  • Lolly lives with his mother in St. Nicholas Housing Projects in Harlem, NYC. His best friend Vega lives in an apartment nearby and is someone Lolly can always count on especially in supporting Lolly after the sudden and tragic death of his older brother, Jermaine. Lolly's parents are divorced and his father has not been around much. Knowing that he has been struggling with his grief, Lolly's mother's girlfriend Yvonne gifts him two big garbage bags full of Legos for Christmas. 
  • Lolly attends an after school program. There, he talks with the director, Mr. Ali, who is a social worker that helps Lolly process his grief. Mr. Ali allows Lolly to build his Lego creations in an empty storage room and Lolly looks forward to escaping there to his make believe world Harmoee. One day Mr. Ali allows Rose, who struggles socially due to her autism, come to the storage room and build alongside Lolly using his Legos. At first, Lolly resents her invading his sanctuary and challenges her to a tower building contest, which ends in a tie. 
  • Lolly and Rose communicate through their love of architecture. Rose is grieving the loss of her mother to suicide. Unfortunately, the storage room is going to be repurposed. Before they dismantle their worlds, they have a display for the community. Lolly makes it onto the news! He sees that he might have a future as an artist. One evening, Lolly and Vega get jumped by gang members who have been harassing them. Lolly‘s phone and Vega's jacket are stolen and both boys are badly beaten up.
  • The attack leaves both boys angry and hurt but Lolly has his Legos and his dreams of becoming an artist to escape to. Vega is disillusioned and so angry that he begins thinking of joining a gang and seeking revenge. He even procures a gun. Lolly is able to talk Vega out of pursuing revenge and the two boys throw the gun into the river. They don't want to go down the same tragic path as Lolly's brother Jermaine.
  • The story ends with Lolly realizing that even though he will always miss his brother, he can find positive ways channel his grief and can keep Jermaine's memory alive by talking to him and seeking help when he needs it from the positive influences around him. Lolly says the people you are friends with can either lift you up higher or bring you down low. He realizes that your choices are what make you who you are.
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