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Teaching Punctuation with StoryboardThat

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Teaching Punctuation with StoryboardThat
Storyboard That

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Noktalama Tablolarını Öykü Pardesileri ile Öğretmek

Katherine Docimo Tarafından

Storyboards sadece okuma anlama için değil. Sınıfta önemli gramer ve noktalama derslerini de öğretmek için kullanılabilirler. Metin tahtalarını kullanarak noktalama işaretleri öğreterek, öğrenciler anlamlarını yazmak ve göstermek için fırsat bulurlar. Bu, öğretmenlere kavramın öğrenci anlayışını değerlendiren açık ve hızlı bir yol sağlar.


Diğer eğitim makalelerimizden bazılarına göz atın!

Öykü Açıklama

One great way to reinforce the rules of punctuation is to have students create a storyboard that defines each of the desired punctuation marks and then give a fully-illustrated example using storyboardthat. Students will get to think creatively while they internalize essential grammatical rules.

Öykü Penceresi Metni

  • Hi! Let's talk about: PUNCTUATION
  • PERIOD ( . )
  • This castle is in a far away land.
  • COMMA ( , )
  • The castle has towers, windows, and a moat.
  • Punctuation is very important.
  • Oh no! There is a dragon approaching!
  • A period is for the end of a declarative sentence.
  • COLON ( : )
  • Thankfully, three soldiers will come to fight the dragon: Julius, Martin, and Jonah. They have to do two things: feed the dragon and put him to sleep.
  • A comma can separate clauses OR components of a list.
  • SEMI-COLON ( ; )
  • The dragon is defeated; everyone will celebrate!
  • An exclamation point is for sentences with lots of emotion.
  • A colon is used to tell the reader that a list of facts are coming.
  • A semi-colon is used to connect two complete thoughts in one sentence.
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu