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Падат Кули от Джуъл Паркър Роудс

Towers Falling от Jewell Parker Rhodes

От Лорън Аюбе

Десетгодишната Дея започва пети клас в ново училище. У дома нещата са трудни: Поп винаги е болен и тъжен, Мама винаги е на работа, а Дея винаги се грижи за малките си брат и сестра, докато Поп спи. Новото й училище е различно от всяко друго място, където Дея е била, а образованието по най-новата история, което Дея получава, ще промени завинаги нейния живот и живота на нейните приятели и семейство.


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Описание на Статията

Учениците ще илюстрират въздействието на 11 септември върху героите в Towers Falling.

Текст на Статията

  • Deja
  • Pop and Ma
  • How are you feeling today, honey?
  • I have a headache.
  • Miss Garcia
  • Deja's family has struggled financially for years because of her father’s inability to work due to the emotional and physical impact that 9/11 left on him. Because of this, Deja’s mother is always at work and she must take care of her younger siblings.
  • Pop was in the North Tower when it collapsed. He lost friends and colleagues, and feels tremendous guilt over surviving. He has headaches and breathing problems, and is often too down to leave bed. Ma worries about him and works long hours to support the family.
  • Miss Garcia was in fifth grade in Manhattan on September 11th when the planes hit the towers. Her mother rushed to pick her up. She saw it first hand, and that is most likely why she is so passionate about teaching it.
  • Ben
  • Historical Impact
  • Sabeen
  • Ben’s father is in the military and fought in Afghanistan after September 11th. The experience changed him. His parents are now divorced and Ben rarely sees his father.
  • Sabeen’s family is Muslim. They have experienced a lot of prejudiced and judgement since September 11th.
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