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World Geography Project Idéer

World Geography Projects

Af Liane Hicks

At undervise i verdensgeografi kan vise sig at være udfordrende og abstrakt. En af de bedste måder, lærere kan bekæmpe det på, er ved at bringe deres studier af forskellige steder rundt om i verden til live med dynamiske og tilpasselige projekter, der kombinerer digital historiefortælling, geografi og elevernes fantasi.


World Geography Projects

Storyboard Beskrivelse

Opret et postkort til et land, som du studerer i geografi! Fremhæv vigtige steder og fakta om et land.

Storyboard Tekst

  • Temple of KukulcánChichén Itzà
  • Chichén Itzà
  • Come Visit Mexico!
  • Come Visit Mexico!
  • Dear Mom and Dad, I am having a fantastico time in Mexico with my class! Today we went to the amazing Chichén Itzà! It was a large Mayan city built around 400s CE. It thrived until about 1526 with the arrival of the Spanish colonizers. Located in the Mexican State of the Yucatán, it is visited by millions of people every year!This picture shows the Temple of Kukulcán, which was built to honor the Mayan god that looks like a feathered serpent. It is 98 feet tall and is one of the "Seven Wonders of the World". Love, Sadie
  • .
  • 10.5 pesos
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