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Coordinate Example

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Coordinate Example
Storyboard That

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En af de bedste funktioner at drage fordel af er vores større layout, nemlig uddelings- og plakatstørrelser. Mens disse størrelser giver børnene muligheden for at oprette plakater, grafiske arrangører og historier i større skala, kommer de også godt til rådighed til offline projekter.


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Storyboard Beskrivelse

Make graphing coordinates fun and take Storyboard That offline!

Storyboard Tekst

  • 1. Determine a scale appropriate for mapping the coordinates of the cupcake.2. Mark points at which the cupcake intersects with grid lines.3. Mark points in between for additional accuracy.4. Write down the coordinates of each point.5. On another sheet of graph paper, draw X and Y axes.6. Begin to map the coordinate points you identified.7. Connect the points and fill in details.Further exploration:- What if you doubled or tripled the original coordinates? Or scaled them down?- What would you have to do to flip the image on a vertical or horizontal axis?- Swap coordinate lists with a friend and try to map each other's image (without knowing what it is).
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