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Decision Making Social Story | Examples of Social and Emotional Learning

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Decision Making Social Story | Examples of Social and Emotional Learning
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Social Følelsesmæssig Læring

Hvad er SEL? En Klar Definition og Forklaring af Social-emotionel Læring

Af Lauren Ayube

Social and Emotional Learning, eller SEL, er undervisning og udvikling af de færdigheder, der er nødvendige for at håndtere store følelser, danne relationer, opnå selvbevidsthed, løse problemer, træffe ansvarlige valg og sætte mål. SEL fokuserer også på åben kommunikation, social bevidsthed og empati.


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Storyboard Beskrivelse

Example activity for making responsible decisions | SEL Examples emotional scenarios examples examples of sel

Storyboard Tekst

  • Sally got me the answers to tomorrow's test! Do you want them?
  • Oh no, what should I do?
  • Okay, good luck!
  • Thank you, but I think I will pass. I wanna see how I do on my own.
  • One time my friend found the answers to a math test that we were having the next day, and asked it I wanted a copy. I was so nervous about the test.
  • I knew that having the answers to the test would be so helpful. But cheating is wrong, and if I ever got caught, I would be in big trouble...
  • After thinking about all the options and possible outcomes, I decided that I did not want the answers. I didn't do so well on the test, but at least I was honest.
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